Friday, October 26, 2007

Ministry Up Date

The classes for the New comers have begun last weekend. Please encourage and pray for those who teach and those who learn, so that we may be effective in our classes. There are more volunteers in our midst to teach. Praise the Lord!

Thank you everyone for your good works and your leadership that may the Lord continue to bless you and use you for His glory.

Prayer Requests

Please pray for the people in Southern California who have been turmoiled by the wild fire. May the Lord keep them and provide their needs.

Also remember to pray for the East side people who are being effected by the calamity trouble, that they may be delivered out of it.

Please continue to remember Ko Chit Aung for quick recovery from slip and fall injury.

This Weekend Events

Here we are getting busier each week. As you know this coming Saturday we will be having "Food Fair" as well as "Welcoming to the New Comers" to our community. Youths are preparing musical show and comedy by Ko Be swan and Ko Tarrance Baw, which we will be enjoying beside variety of food and other fun. Just to remind you that we have advertised this event far beyond that we normally do. So prepare more food and items for sale since we expect more people to come.

This coming Sunday, Saya Living Stone Zan and his family will come to visit us. He will be preaching in Karen Service at 10:00 AM, in the morning then as the time permit, he will join us and share with us God's word again in Burmese service at 1:00 PM.

Let us not forget that this Sunday worship will be also in "Sing Song Service" format. So let us praise Him with Songs and Testimonies to glorify Him in our worship.

News & Concerns

Ms. Claire has been interviewing some individuals for her article about recent arrivals in America and their stories. We are more exposed about our ministry to the community around us. Today, I got another call from the other reporter who wants to interview us for her article about our church and ministry in the news paper (Oakland Tribune). She said that she will come to visit us these Saturday and Sunday. This is our opportunity to reach out and exposed to the community around us. May the Lord continue to use us for His glory.

Theo-Centric point of view

What is that all about? Theo means God (Almighty, Everlasting, unchanging, Great I AM) and 'Centric' for center; which is God centered thoughts or expression that I would like to share with you in this blog. You are welcome to share your comments and thought with me. It is also intended to build a communication line among the church members. You may find weekly 'Bible insight,' 'News & Concern,' 'Ministry Update,' and 'Prayer Requests' on this blog.

2007 VBS in Review!

Bay area Revival 2008