Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas Eve Worship & Celebration Time

We worship the 'Wonderful Savior' with our children and choir under the lights of candles. Children played nativity.

Bell choir ring through out the night. Choir members sang about the Christmas story.

It was a wonderful night of the year. Oakland First Baptist Church and Oakland Burmese Mission Baptist Church echo the night of Christmas in season songs and Scriptures.

After worship service, Burmese traditional fish noodle soup (Mok Hin Hka) filled our stomachs and kept us worm.

Youth and Young Adult filled the night with music and performance in the Gym. The story was about the parities of Mediterranean who came to visit the new born Wonderful Savior in the manger.

It was awesome performance Drama by the Youth and Young Adults of OBMBC.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Baptism of New Believers

God is good all the time. Indeed ,He is still saving the sinners like all of us by His grace today. I am so amazed and joyful for seeing what God has done in our midst. During the month of December there are three new believers come to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Three of them has come from same Buddhist background.

Thet M. Z. has been attending the church since last year. Yet, he always says, "I am still learning" I recalled. Today he came to me and said, "I believe Jesus and I must do this." I knew it right away that he must have made decision to believe in Christ. In my counseling time with Thet, I found his sincere heart to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Then I also know that it is not an easy decision for him, to come forward and being a witness for Christ.

Aunty Naw Htoo has recently arrived to US and struggle to adapt the new culture and her sounding. She was miraculously recovered from her serious sickness. In her testimony, she said that God has come to save her life. And she said that she must now fulfill her vow which she made long time ago to this Christian God (in her own words). Truly, she wants to become Christian by accepting Jesus Christ as her Savior. She and her husband, U Lin Aung surrender themselves to Jesus Christ their lives and expelled all their Buddhism.

U Lin Aung, husband of Naw Htoo also said, "it is a good thing to do" (referring to becoming Christian). He said that people need to follow a teacher who can shows them the way of eternal destiny. If that teacher lost himself, then the followers will also lost their ways. He now simply saying that Jesus Christ is his teacher who can be trusted to be true guide for his life. So he did expel Buddha and begin to follow Christ.

Let us be encouraged and be rejoice for God's saving grace which we are seeing among us today. Let us continue to pray for three of them for their spiritual growth and their lives. Let us continue to share the gospel of Jesus Christ who truly born to us, dies for us on the cross and rises again from death for us. Scripture says, "whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved." Romans 10:13

2007 VBS in Review!

Bay area Revival 2008