It's a great blessing for me and all of us to attend the Family camp on Labor day weekend. The most enjoyable time was sharing God's word with youth. We have the theme "Here I am: Enabling Grace within You" based on three sections of biblical discussion and application.
First section the letter "D" represents, 'Discovering your spiritual growth,' which we discover our position of growth in relationship with God. Second letter "E" represents 'Engaging in Ministry' which we must engage ourselves in God's ministry where by we must involve and serve in local churches. Third letter "A"represents, 'Amplify in the world' which means our Christian living should be amplifying or radical living in the world.
The exciting part for me was that youth never stop talking about the Bible and Faith even after the class hours over. They go beyond 2 to 3 AM in the morning. I admire their enthusiasm for God and love for His truth.