Monday, December 21, 2009

Caroling in December 2009

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Much jingling and caroling through out the night to the friends and families' homes. We had a good time of visiting and sharing the Christmas songs and scriptures to the new comers of this year from house to house. Most of them are none Christians. But God is working in their lives as we are seeing evidences in them. Please pray for their well being not just physical and mental but also spiritual. They were comforted by joining in our singing as well as our visitation.

Finally, it's dinner time. One of our church members who are also new comers since last year, provided us the delicious fish curry dish with rice and pig back bone soup. Yam!

One of the Buddhist family also invited us to come to their home and listen the carol songs. We had an opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ with the family.

Yes, we will continue to sing the Christmas melody and carol songs in our hearts beyond the season of Christmas.

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

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