Oakland Burmese Mission Baptist Church (OBMBC) of Oakland California has held the Fund Raising Food Fair and Musical Concert for the relief effort of cyclone Nargis victims of Myanmar (Burma) on May 24th 2008. Our location for the event is provided by the Korean Church named "New Life Church" of Fremont. Rev. Dr. Wee and Rev. Kim have assisted the need of facility usage for this event. Our connection to Rev. Wee was established by Rev. Yu from San Jose Korean Presbyterian Church of San Jose. We are deeply appreciated for this gracious act toward Burmese community.
Why we chose Fremont location? The simple reason is to reach out the Burmese community as well as other people who have much concern for the cyclone victims of Burma. The event was turned out to be successful. We have about four to five hundred including children, youth, young and old attendees in our event. We also have four professional Burmese singers; Tun Tun, Nyi Pu Lay, Pho Pan, and Mi Mi Win Pe who helped to raise fund by their talent for the great cause. We have raised approximately well over $11,000 dollars in our food sale, concert tickets sale, cyclone T-shirt sale, and Raffle Tickets sale. Many of our OBMBC members have pulled up this event within two weeks time frame to accomplish the urgent needs in Burma.
We continue to raise the relief fund by other means. We have a Matching Fund ledger account at OBMBC during the month of May. Any donation from individual or organization for the cyclone victims of Burma, the church will match up to $ 10,000. We thank God for the generous donation from the individual, churches in Bay area, companies, and organizations. So far total relief fund raised by OBMBC since early May is well over 30,000 dollars.
Early weeks of May, OBMBC collected special offering on one Sunday Service for cyclone victims of Burma about $ 5,100 and sent out immediately to the victims. All the donation dollars will go directly to the victims through our local churches leaders, ministers, and field workers in Burma. We expect to send the rest of the relief fund on early week of June.
Thank you OBMBCers for your leadership and great effort to accomplish this marvelous task for the great cause. We just want to thank God for all things that are possible before us through our Lord Jesus Christ.
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