Thursday, May 15, 2008

Basket 5: Trusting in God for the Rest

It is about May: our basket 5 is "Trusting in God." Just like the boy brought his dinner box, five loaves and two fishes to Jesus. It may be not enough to feed five thousands more people with these a little dinner that he had. Yet when he trusted in Jesus and Jesus took care of the rest, could feed over five thousand people. That is our theme of the month, May. We will trust in God for the rest and we will give our best even though it may be small.

Indeed, we received this basket of trusting in God with dedication of our hearts back to God. Especially, we are trusting God with little things that we have such as money, time, talent, and prayer for the cyclone Nargis victims of Burma. We will apply our trusting basket in our fund raising event on this Saturday, May 24Th at New Life Church in Fremont. We will give our time, money, talent and prayer which what we have and can to help relief cyclone victims of Burma. Come let's us do our best and give what we have. Let us trust God with what we give which may be small that He will multiply it abundance.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happy Mothers' Day!

Happy Mothers' Day! It was a great time of worship as well as honoring our Mothers on last Sunday. Children say why they are thank God for their moms.

Fathers cooked Shan noddles and we all enjoyed so much. Our message was "Family is the shelter in the time of storm." Of cause Mothers are the strong bonds to our families ties.

Guests and family members were filled the dinning hall. We celebrate a twins' birthday at the same time. Thank God for all these happiness and joy on our Mothers' Day.

May God bless our mothers....

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Special Prayer Service for Cyclone Victims of Myanmar turned out to be Tearful

It was hard to understand and comprehend when we saw some of the photos from Myanmar after cyclone disaster. It brought us tears to our eyes and grieve to our hearts. Our tearful prayers from individual poured out into three different languages (Karen, Burmese, & English).

We meditated upon God's word and took courage by knowing that God is in control. God is above the storm. The praise song says, "When the Ocean rises and thunders roar, I will sore with You above the storm.... I will be still and know You are God." May those victims find rest in God's providence and care. May they find peace in the midst of storm. That is what we are praying for....

Church Cleaning Day is Fruitful

Thank you so much to those individuals come and participate in our church cleaning day. It was moved with joy and laughter among us.
We thank God for quick and organized fashion job done on that day. There were dusty and painted walls surrounded us. We were moving with momentum of love for our Lord in our services.
May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you all for your hard works for His worship sanctuary.

2007 VBS in Review!

Bay area Revival 2008