Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Join us in prayer for VBS

This year VBS is going to be a life changing experience one, not only for the children but for all of us. Why? It is because; the lessons are targeted to change our life from inside out. They are designed to motivate us to turn the world upside down! The wrong side up situation of the world and its philosophy must turn upside down in order to turn it right side up before God. Well, let's ask the children during VBS about it.

Our church has been doing VBS annually and this year is the sixth year. Each year, the joy of learning God's truth through Bible stories along side of children is my privilege and honor. Church members, parents, teachers and volunteers believe in VBS program and they have invested their time, talents, and resources. The most astonishing moment in VBS is when you see the responses of children to God's word from their hearts. It is a pure silver or a fine gold value for me. Why don't you pray for VBS children and all of us? You are a part of VBS as you support us in prayer during our VBS. It is on August 4th through 7th. The closing VBS worship program will be on Sunday August 7th at 1:00 PM in our church sanctuary. You are invited to join the worship service led by VBS children. Their songs, dances, and testimonies will enlighten you with joy and in Spirit. Hope you can join us.

2007 VBS in Review!

Bay area Revival 2008