Thursday, May 21, 2009

Camping out this Weekend

Point Bonita is in my mind, since we are planning to camp out in that beautiful location this weekend. We have more then 65 people enlisted to sleep over one night and many are coming to worship on Sunday to that location. Remember, there will be no worship service at church location, instead we'll be worshiping at camp site.

We are excited and looking forward to have time of fellowship, worship and spiritual enlightenment through God's word. Ephesians 4:5 states, "One Lord, One Faith and One Baptism" regarding house whole of faith, the believers. We want to learn from Apostle Paul in his perspective of Christians and church relationship. It will help us to understand and appreciate for the privilege that we have as church members, knowing that we belong to Christ's body, the Church.

Also on the topic, the "family matter and issues" may discuss with Sayama Jae on Sunday morning section. Bring your questions and suggestions for sharing with others to learn. Sayama Aye Thaw will bring us bonfire experience with devotional worship on Saturday night.

Sunrise devotion time will be a wonderful spiritual experience with God as we meditate His words and staring the breath taking ocean view from the top of the cliff.

Ops! I almost forget about the heart-fast-beating trip that we're about to experience as we plan to visit the Point Bonita Light house on Saturday afternoon.

So, what are we waiting for? Pack up, grape your Bible, and let's go.......

2007 VBS in Review!

Bay area Revival 2008