Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Celebration Dinner

It was great to see many of us, doing their parts with the best ability they have. Dinner was great and Drama was awesome with specticular background sceen. Thanks to the kitchen crew who cook and help clean up for Our message in it was; a woman was struggle to cope with the greave when she lost her son during the masscecra of King Herod upon two years and under male children. (Luke 2) Her quest to revange upon the death of her son led to find Jesus. At last when she found him, she turned to accept Christ as Lord and Savior instead of vangence. Comparision between her pain of loosing her own son with the love of God who give His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to redeem mankind from their sin was the theme of the drama. The Midnight become clear when she found Christ in her life. May you find Christ as you passing through this season of Christmas.

News & Concerns

The great late Christian musician of Burma, Saw Bwe Mu's son, Bwe Lay has joined our church to support in music ministry along with YAF team. He is a wonderful gifted musician. We have been greatly needed of a musician; thank God for Bwe Lay and "we warmly welcome you."

There was a small incident that occurred in our Gym last Sunday. Our special guest Yadana Oo was enthusiastically playing basket ball after the worship service, she got minor bump on her forehead when she trip from her heeled dress shoes. She was rested for a while with ice bag on her forehead, later she was fine and left home. We will continue to pray for her recovery. I believer she will never forget about our church and we will remember her always.

Ko Mung Pi and Daw Lum family is leaving us at the end of this month for Indiana. They have planed to join their relatives who lives in Indiana. This family has been great blessing to our church and their testimonies have been inspirational to our congregation. Our hearts go out for them. May the Lord bless this family and uphold them wherever they are.

Sunday worship

Our Sunday worship service was filled with spiritual songs, testimonies, and word of God. We were closing out our series of sermons on "To Serve Christ" this week. The responses from attandees were great to the alter call to serve God in our community. Many people have raised their hands to serve God any way that they can; whenever, wherever, whatever, and however it takes. Thank God for their dedication. Above all these, we had special guest from Burma, Yadana Oo, a professional Christian singer attanded in our service. She has enlighten us with her beautiful voice and songs of the season. We thank her for this occasion. May the Lord continue to use her for His glory as she sings about Him.


May the spirit of Christmas dwells in your heart not only this season but through out the coming New Year. Our family want to thank for those who wish us with their warm thoughts and prayer to our family during this season.

2007 VBS in Review!

Bay area Revival 2008