Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Heart-felt Gifts from Children

Sunday School children are sending Christmas gifts to those children who are in the Thailand/Burma border. When the children learn that there may be no Christmas gifts coming for those children, they collected their pocket money and sending the heart-felt gifts to them. Some of them bring a few cents and other ask their parents. Amazingly S.S. teachers collected over three hundreds and ready to send it this week. God is great! Even the children learn to give with what they have.

Monday, December 10, 2007

annual pictures

Annual picture has taken on our thanksgiving Sunday. We are blessed by such a wonderful people who love God and humble before Him. With ten thousand smiles, we are thankful for what God has done in our midst. May God bless more abundantly in the New Year to come.

Angels are singing!

I thought it would be angels who sing so beautifully on last Saturday evening. Yes! it was beautiful because of the joy and enthusiasm that mixed the songs. I am so glad that we are so joyful to sing carol and proclaiming the birth of Christ and celebrating with friends and families. Let us sing to the songs about our Savior Jesus Christ. Let your voices heard across the hall and the neighbor. Let the air carry our songs to a wake those who are a sleep. Let your gospel be spread through the darkness of this world. Yes! let the heavenly host, the angels sing....

2007 VBS in Review!

Bay area Revival 2008