Thursday, May 15, 2008

Basket 5: Trusting in God for the Rest

It is about May: our basket 5 is "Trusting in God." Just like the boy brought his dinner box, five loaves and two fishes to Jesus. It may be not enough to feed five thousands more people with these a little dinner that he had. Yet when he trusted in Jesus and Jesus took care of the rest, could feed over five thousand people. That is our theme of the month, May. We will trust in God for the rest and we will give our best even though it may be small.

Indeed, we received this basket of trusting in God with dedication of our hearts back to God. Especially, we are trusting God with little things that we have such as money, time, talent, and prayer for the cyclone Nargis victims of Burma. We will apply our trusting basket in our fund raising event on this Saturday, May 24Th at New Life Church in Fremont. We will give our time, money, talent and prayer which what we have and can to help relief cyclone victims of Burma. Come let's us do our best and give what we have. Let us trust God with what we give which may be small that He will multiply it abundance.

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Bay area Revival 2008