Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Good Friday Night Worship

Good Friday night, we worship the Sacrificial Lamb of God in memory of Him, combined with Communion. Our worship was filled with emotional testimonies and songs of adoration. Above all added up with the spices of worship dance and drama, they lifted up our spirits in awe. The message was based on the question by Pilate to Jesus, “Are you a king?” Jesus responded that for this cause, being a king, He came to this world and for this cause He was born.
So He is the King, who will come one day with authority. But for now Jesus was a king without a kingdom on that day. He said that His kingdom was not of this world. He was a king without subjects for everyone rejected Him on that day. He was a king without authority and power but submitted to the sinners. The King was willingly gave His life for all. The King was hanging on the cross with the sign “King of the Jews.”

I too have a question to the King; “Will you come and die for me even if I were alone in this world?” I know for sure the King would answer me, “Yes, I would come and die for you just the same, even if you were alone in this world.” Indeed, He is my King. Jesus Christ is my King today the wooden cross proves it.

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2007 VBS in Review!

Bay area Revival 2008