Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thank you Note from Thailand

Every SS children! Your love gift has been appreciated by the children and villagers at Thailand/Burma border. Thanks to Saya and Sayama for their dedicated work at Christmas time for the people. May the Lord continue to use them for His glory. Thankyou note;
Dear Rev. Lazum Lone Wa and Oakland Church members:

Firstly, I would like to thank Rev. and all church members for your generous concern as well as donations to the Burmese migrant workers living along Thai-Burma border. We can see that many of the villagers do not have any contact with the modern world because they were not allowed to travel due to their status in Thailand. However, when our family on behalf of LWC went to the village to celebrate Christmas party for the villagers and the children. We can see that they were so happy for we brought many pre-owned clothes for everyone at the village. The village is located at 44 km away from Mae Sod city. We had a chance to provide lunch and dinner for the villagers and children for the X'mas party. We also brought provide small packets of biscuits for the children and distribute to the children. On the 25th December, more than 100 people received Jesus as their savior. Rev. Tu Ja preached twice on that day, one in the morning and one in the evening. On behalf of LWC, I would like to say words of gratitude to everyone who have heart on LWC and our Burmese migrant people in Thailand . LWC is able to operate the regular activities because of your faithful support.

In His service,

Sayama Tu Lu

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Bay area Revival 2008